Easy ring pipe seal that fully comply to MS 1061:1999 and BS EN 295-1:2013

BSH Vitrified Clay Pipes (VCP) are widely used for the sewage systems in both private and government projects. Our Vitrified Clay Pipes are produced in accordance with the Malaysian Standard MS 10061:1999, British Standard BS EN 295-1:2013 and approved by National Water Services Commission (SPAN) to be installed in the sewerage systems nationwide. BSH Vitrified Clay Pipes (VCP) comply with most technical product standard. It is carbon footprinted by SIRIM QAS in collaboration with the Carbon Trust UK. All the pipes we made are eco-friendly and no waste is produced in the manufacturing process. We use the latest clay blending and controlled firing technology, so our pipes are precisely engineered to meet the demand for quality standards.


BSH Easy Ring

Easy ring is designed for fast, tight and hassle-free installation.
The Joint system consists of a socket section fitted with an Easy Ring held in place by epoxy sealant. The ring is made of natural rubber that resist heat and ultra violet light.

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Straight Pipe

Diameter: 100mm, Length: 0.915m
Diameter: 150mm, Length: 1.0m & 1.5m
Diameter: 225mm, Length: 1.0m & 1.75m
Diameter: 300mm, Length: 1.0m & 1.75m
Diameter: 375mm, Length: 2.0m
Diameter: 450mm, Length: 2.0m


T & Y Junction


100x100mm, 150x100mm, 225x100mm, 150x150mm, 225x150mm, 150x 375mm, 225x 375mm, 300x 375mm, 375x 375mm,

Standard length:



300x150mm, 225x225mm, 300x225mm, 300x300mm, 150x375mm, 225x 375mm, 300x375mm, 375x 375mm, 450x150mm, 450x225mm, 450x450mm        

Standard length:


Bend 90° & 45°


100mm, 150mm, 225mm, 300mm, 375mm, 450mm




It can be installed in domestic or industrial sewerage systems. When doing pipe laying & installation, the type of bedding required is determined by structural analysis, including the type of soil, trench design, loads, life loads, additional loads, etc. It is important to ensure that the soil around the base of the pipe is firm. Recesses should be formed to accommodate the sockets. In order to avoid point or linear loading, vitrified clay pipes should not be laid on stony soil or directly on the rock.

Unglazed VCP Vs Glazed VCP



Unglazed VCP

Glazed VCP

APPROVAL & COMPLIANCE (ASTM, BS EN, MS) Approved and safe to use Approved and safe to use
Pipe Roughness No significant difference  No significant difference
  *Table from Malaysian Sewerage Industries Guidelines (MSIG) Section 2.1.16 (remarks in small letters)  
Structural Strength Pass the same BS EN anD MS standard Pass the same BS EN anD MS standard
Main Material Ball Clay Marine Clay
Prevention of Exfiltration & Infiltration Clay material itself already prevent exfiltration & infiltration Need glazed to prevent exfiltration & infiltration
Extreme Condition Application Same usage as gone through same test standard Same usage as gone through same test standard
Overseas Acceptance US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and etc Middle East, New Zealand,  Germany and etc